Why Saving Seeds Matters!
Saving seeds is a simple easy action for us all, to protect our food security, plant biodiversity and keep the quality & health of our seeds alive for generations to come.
Here is why cultivating a practice of saving seeds matters greatly, NOW more than ever!
1. Saving seed for yearly replanting saves time & money.
Not having to buy seeds yearly from 3rd party growers saves hundreds of dollars yearly for small families, instead save your own seed for free, trade seeds with family & friends or join an on-line Seed For Seed Exchange.
2. Increases Ecological biodiversity & local Seed availability.
Growing, harvesting and sharing our own seeds from plants adapted to our local environment increases local ecosystems to have a wider variety of seed/plant/food species.
3. Keeps our genetic food heritage alive.
Like many sacred traditions, the art of seed saving & its heritage is very important. By saving seed and growing traditional foods of our forebears, we maintain and re-establish a link with our cultural heritage, while honoring the past/present/future.
4. Supports The survival & thriving of diverse foodS for future generations.
There is no question our world-wide seed & food systems need an overhaul, getting back to small scale local agriculture and family backyard growing is a must to regain our seed & food sovereignty for us and our future generations. We can support this needed change by focusing on creating new local family networks of seed and food distribution as well as teaching others in our communities about natural organic growing and seed saving once again.
5. Improves strong adaptations for plants Species.
Saving seed from the most vital healthy plants we grow is a must. Why? This supports & improves local bioregional adaptation success in future for us. By choosing the strongest adapted seed to save and regrow we provide a good foundation of potential success for a plant species longtime survival.
6. To preserve our natural medicines.
Living medicine for living beings; our ancient medicinal plants and seeds are here-in-part to our survival. Nature is our gift and co-creator, truly our greatest healer, other than ourselves! This synergistic system is one to protect.
7. To Be part of our greatest most important ancestral human traditions.
Sacred traditions of saving & sharing seeds through lived experiential knowledge gained and passed down is a very important survival asset. One to continue to pass onward to our future generations and one to deeply honor from our ancestors of past.
8. Supports earths regeneration of soil.
The cycle of sowing (organic, open-pollinated, heirloom, heritage, and local native seed), saving seeds and replanting when done with intention, knowledge and regenerative practices of giving back to the lands as they have given to us has great potential to replenish lost top soils of earth.
9. Be A source of resilience for your family & communities.
To be knowledgeable and self-sufficient, having the ability to thrive, to know that your family will be feed, that you can help your community brings out a confidence, healing and an unshakable inner ground within one that will ripple through out all aspects of your life and effect others! Be the seed of change!
Questions To Contemplate: Do we have seed saved for our family? How can we begin this tradition or continue on from our family lineage? What is my first memory of seed and how can I create new memories for my loved ones, children and community?